"The LORD is my rock, my fortress, and

 my deliverer, my God, my rock where I seek

refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold."

Psalm 18:2

I was once asked..."What was it that caused your pain to begin?"  I didn't know what to say, because the nature of my pain is on "purpose" a mystery to those around me.  It is a mystery in part because I chose not to share.  I chose not to share the depth of my physical pain because I didn't want others to see or hear or know the reason as to why or what is "thought" as to why my body decided to slowly shut down almost ten years ago.  For me, I thought part of my pain was normal.  Not typically a person who verbalizes complaints, I internalized my situation and worked through what I was experiencing until my circumstance became too great for me to bare alone.

But as time passed, and as physical healing began, I felt a pressing to share my story.  A constant compelling in my mind to write it down.  If for no other reason, so that I could remember.  If for no other reason, so that my children could know.  Even today reading my own story brings tears to my eyes.  Tears because I still feel the thought of the pain, the physical pain, the emotional pain, the years of pain.

As a believer in Jesus, I feel strongly that God doesn't call His children to hold onto those things which bind us, but he instead calls us to share so that others might come into knowledge and faith in Him.  So that others may believe and seek eternal life.

One of the funny things about my story is that due to the brain fog, which is a symptom of the condition I have, it is difficult for me to remember those things which I want to say, those things which in one moment I feel as if I should share and the next moment, I forget what it was that I was thinking about.  A blessing and a curse, you might say.  All I know and can rely on is that God is my guide and I have prayed that the things which I share with you would be things not of myself but those things that God would use to bring you healing in your journey.

If you have read to this point you are probably at your wits end or are seeking answers for someone else.  I once stood exactly at the place where you are standing right now.  I was at my end, I was tired of trying, I was sick and tired of being sick and tired.  I was in so much pain and all I wanted was for it to stop.  But, just as important, I wanted to know what it was that had, what was going on with my body, WHAT DO I CALL THIS!  My husband used to call it "the pain with no name", because it took us six years to finally get answers and eventually help and healing.

If you (or someone you know) can answer yes to any of these questions or symptoms below then THIS IS THE BOOK FOR YOU!  You may just have C.R.P.S., also known as the suicide disease.

  • Sensations of burning or stinging in your extremities
  • Sensitivity to heat or cold
  • Swelling
  • Changes in skin temperature (sweaty or cold at times)
  • Hair and nail changes
  • Continuous throbbing pain
  • Reduced mobility
  • Brain fog
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Restless legs
  • Numbness in your fingers and or toes
  • Difficulty speaking
  • Swelling in extremities
  • Changes in color of skin (could be just one foot, leg, arm or a hand)
  • Atrophy of muscles
  • Increased sweating
  • Blisters at affected area
  • Muscle Tightening (arm drawn up)
  • Seen several doctors with no explanation or relief
  • Have tried other methods of pain relief with no help


The Wear and Tear

Eleven Medications

Normal was the Result

The Gap

The One Who Prays When You Cannot Pray

The Trauma and Then Some

The Medical Journey to Healing

The Hiding

Verbalizing the Need

When Sleep Doesn't Come

CRPS - Complex Regional Pain Syndrome

The Stats

Treatment Plan

You Cannot Fight On Your Own

When Your Spouse Has CRPS

God's Handiwork


To Live

It's Okay to Laugh

I Have a Specific Parking Spot

Rejoice in the Day You Get To Wear Shoes

Do the Things Than Keep Your Mind Active

What Personality Type are You?




Possible Bigs

You are a Super Hero!

Healing In The Journey - Book by Author Heather Russell

Find my book on

If you or someone you know is living with chronic pain and cannot find answers, or are looking for encouragement, hope, and healing, please consider purchasing a copy of my book on Amazon.  I do get a small percentage of each book sale.

Editorial Review by:

Healing in the Journey: Living Life with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome is the story of Heather Russell, the author; it describes the genesis of her physical pain, the process to understand the ailment, and the healing journey. The story starts during her childhood and progresses to adulthood, where her struggles begin. It is filled with joyous and harrowing moments and the arduous task of searching for the correct diagnosis and treatment. Due to its effects, the attack was not just physical, and the author goes into great detail about how complex regional pain syndrome affected her life. Consequently, her story is unique, as the circumstances of the development of the condition and the effects on herself and her family are unique. Being a mother and a wife means the fight for healing took on more goals, than just her physical healing.

 Pain and suffering are some of life's inevitable realities, striking when least expected. Unfortunately, not understanding why they happen, as this is the case often, makes the situation more debilitating. The author suffered from all of these, and it was possible to empathize with her when she included the severity of her pain and its effects, as it is difficult to feel another person's pain as they exactly do. The aspect I liked most about the book is that the author shares her story to inspire others; she narrates her entire journey and includes what worked for her. I also admired her family, particularly her husband, for standing with her and refusing to give up.

Like Heather, you may never fully answer some questions that will constantly flood your mind. You might be on the brink of losing hope as the storm rages on and even question whether God is still with you in it. I admired her resilience and determination to be a blessing even in little ways in her journey; the disease could not take this away from her. Her story is a beacon of hope to those with chronic pain. Through the inclusion of exercises, Healing Hope, at the end of every chapter, the author allows the reader to use reflections from that chapter to help them in their journeys. -

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